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Patient notice

Our Get Help form for any health problem is now available 7-8pm from Sunday to Thursday.

Surgery clinics

We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms.

Our practice can provide the following services: ​

Chronic disease management

  • asthma
  • blood Pressure
  • COPD
  • diabetes
  • heart
  • stroke

Healthy living

  • alcohol
  • contraception
  • child Immunisation
  • flu Vaccination
  • smoking

Special clinics

  • NHS health checks
  • physio

Pregnancy and child health

  • baby’s development and immunisation schedule
  • maternity care
  • post natal and baby checks

Women’s health

  • cervical smears
  • hormone replacement therapy and the menopause
  • management of heavy periods
  • pill clinic
  • urinary problems
  • vaginal prolapse

Travel clinic

Many people are now travelling abroad to exotic destinations and this means special consideration should be given to protect yourself from the risk of infections that are not commonly encountered in the United Kingdom.

A comprehensive travel health advice service is offered at Lion Health to patients who are travelling abroad. Regular travel health clinics are held here at the surgery by appointment.

It is best to plan ahead, and we ask that you book your appointment to take place 6-8 weeks prior to your intended departure date to enable suitable time for discussing and planning your requirements here at the practice. Please see website advice below if you wish to know in advance what your requirements are likely to be (NaTHNac).

We request at the time of booking your appointment, you advise the receptionist of the destination/s you will be visiting, duration of travel and departure dates. Each member of your party or family will require their own appointment, this includes children.

Private vaccinations are not available at our practice and if these are indicated, you will be directed towards locating a private travel clinic for your specific requirements and making the necessary arrangements. For example matters related to various vaccines i.e. Yellow Fever, Rabies, Japanese Encephalitis, Hepatitis B etc.

Preventative medication for malaria also sits outside NHS funding. This means that you will need to discuss your requirements and details of your planned trip with the pharmacist. This includes children. For some destinations you cannot simply buy malaria medications from the pharmacy, but many of the larger supermarkets may have specific travel clinics for you to make an appointment with the pharmacist to discuss your travel plans. The pharmacist will then sell you the malaria prophylaxis.

Further information can be found on the following websites:

  • NaTHNac (National Travel Health Network Centre, England based) – website for access travel healthcare and advice
  • FCO (Foreign and Commonwealth Office)
  • ISTM (International Society of Travel Medicine) – Global travel clinic locator
  • IAMAT (International Association for Medical assistance to Travellers
  • NHS travel health vaccinations
  • Travel advice

Time off following an operation or hospital admission

If you are requesting a note for time off resulting from an operation or a hospital stay for another reason then, provided we have a hospital letter or your doctor is aware of the problem (e.g. organized your referral or admission), we should be able to sort out a sick note without you needing an appointment. A message will be left with the appropriate doctor.

The MCA project

Black Country ICB has funded a project called the MCA Project. This project aims to promote understanding and application of the act for health teams and the public in Dudley, Walsall and Wolverhampton.

Please see the How The Mental Health Capacity Act Can Help You leaflet for more information.